Sunday 1 January 2023

The Ruins of Old Sutaberg

Demographics and History

The ruins are almost totally deserted. Some bandits use the ruins for a hide out while vermin and undead can be encountered id the piles of fallen stones are disturbed.

In the generations since the town was abandoned shrubs and trees have grown up through the cobbled roads and marble pillared halls. Some of the best stone has been pilfered by the residents of New Sutaberg who for years have treated the old town as a convenient quarry.

There are some buildings still standing, some more complete than others. More common are parts of walls, colourful frescos faded and peeling, spiral stone stairs ascending to forgotten rooms or descending into dark, damp under crofts. 

The Feasting Gate

 A line of square marble pillars march towards a grand archway that opens onto a long hall. Above the arch a frieze depicts a handsome satyr lounging upon a stone while gilded birds bring him bunches of grapes.

A DC 15 history check will identify this as the entrance to the feasting hall of the winemakers’ guild. A DC 15 religion check identifies the figure above the arch as Faunus, the patron of feasting and trickery.

The Feasting Hall

If the PCs have an average Passive Perception of less than 14 read the following:

The hall is bedecked with vines, heavy with rich purple grapes. A fire burns in the grate at the far end of the hall and long tables shine with silver and gold plates. Torches burn in sconces in each of the pillars and the air is filled with the scents of roasting meats and wood-smoke. The tiled floor is strew with sweet smelling herbs and fresh straw.

If the PCs have an average Passive Perception of 14 or more read the following:

The hall is open to the elements and piles of leaves and twigs have been blown into the corners of this draughty chamber. Pillars still stand but some have been toppled to the ground. Brambles and ivy climb the remaining walls and pillars and a chill wind howls loudly through the large fireplace at the far end of the hall. The tiled floor is uneven especially near the centre where it appears something has burst through shattering tiles and spreading soil and rocks across the floor.

The Feasting Hall Entrance to The Megadungeon

A number of metal bars, some more sturdy than others have been hammered into the ground near a pit in the centre of the chamber. Some still have the remains of ropes attached to them. A cold, damp air rises up from the hole which is some twenty feet in diameter. It is hard at first glance to judge the depth of the pit.

If PCs had a Passive Perception of less than 14, they may fall into the pit, as it is invisible to them in the illusionary vision of the hall before the fall.

Pit Trap: Perception DC12 or fall 20’ to the bottom of the pit taking 2d6 damage. Players may make a DC15 reflex save to grab one of the ropes dangling off of the metal bars.

The metal bars are sturdy and will allow players to tie ropes and descend into the pit which is 20’ deep.

This leads to Location 01:01 in the dungeon proper.

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