Wednesday 1 February 2023

Level 02: The Prison of Ancient Death

The merchants of New Sutaberg will pay for the return of any members of their caravan that are still alive.

A sage will pay for any mundane books or scrolls found in the dungeon especially on the subject of humanoids, in particular, giants.

The temples in New Sutaberg will reward adventurers who kill the wight warder to prevent the creation of any more undead.


A strange creature imprisoned in a glass cage has been reported on this level.

Doors are standard good quality wooden doors [15hp] and open freely unless otherwise specified.

Jammed doors require a DC14 strength check to force it open. Once opened they need a DC15 strength check to pull it closed.

Rooms and corridors are dark and unlit unless otherwise specified.

On each short or long rest or after the party have made a lot of noise (breaking a door or casting a fireball for example roll a d12 (short rest) or d6 (long rest). On a 1 roll 2d4 on the following table





1 Gelatinous Cube



1d2 Skeletons



1d3 Giant Rats



1d3 Zombie Cultists



The Wight Warder



01: Stairs (01st February 2023)

A wide flight of stairs, the treads of which are in pristine, almost unused, condition leads upwards. Carvings of ferocious mythical beasts decorate the ceiling.

These stairs lead up to room 7 on the first level.


02: Guard Room (02nd February 2023)

This thirty-foot square room has a solid wooden door in the south wall, any furniture it once had has been broken up and used for improvised weapons and fires.

The room is occupied by a pair of almost hairless, gaunt humanoids Each has pallid skin and long, sharp claw-like nails. Their long tongues loll from mouths crammed with horribly elongated, pointed teeth and their red eyes burn with an unholy lust for flesh. Tufts of blond hair cling to the creatures’ scalps. They turn from whatever they have been doing when you open the door. They snarl and move towards you.

There are no other obvious exits.


m Ghouls (2): The creatures wear tattered orange tunics and hose. One has four silver earrings in their left ear, each worth 3sp.

A search of the debris [DC15] reveals it hides a loose floor slab. Under it is a stone box containing 6000cp.

u Silver Earrings: 12gp, 6000cp

There are secret doors in the east and west walls. The one in the west is slightly easier to find [Investigation DC12] as the soot from the fires in the room have delineated the outline of the door. The one in the east is harder to spot [Investigation DC15].


03: The Hanging Cages (03rd  February 2023)

This chamber has a number of large iron cages hanging from the ceiling held by chains running over massive rusting pulleys controlled by large winches on the floor. The floor is, in places, stained with dried blood and piles of rotting waste that has fallen from the cages. You can glimpse movement in the cages which creak and sway from side to side. There are doors in the north, and west walls and a passage leads out to the south.

There is also a hidden door in the west wall [Investigation DC12]. The cages contain a number of imprisoned caravan guards. Only five have survived, the others have either died from their wounds in the cages or have been taken elsewhere. The cages can be lowered to the surface using the winches but unless the PCs are careful [Stealth DC15] they will make enough noise to possibly generate a Wandering Encounter.

Once lowered to the ground the simple locks [DC12] are easy to pick and the last guards can be freed. If asked they will say the following.

“The others were taken way, to the pit if they were strong, for questioning if they were smart or to the lower levels if they were neither. At least that’s what the one-eyed ones say.”

None has ever returned from these places so what they might mean is unclear.

04: Corridor of Records (04th February 2023)

This chamber is more like an alcove off of the main north south corridor. The western wall is crammed with scrolls and fragments of parchment.

The scrolls and parchment fragments appear to be the ‘confessions’ of tortured prisoners. Each has a couple of names at the top followed by a date. The same questions are asked on each sheet. “Is the Eye worshipped in the town? Will you join the Servants? What were you transporting? For whom?”

05: Pillared Junction (05th February 2023)

Corridors exit to the east west and south while there is a door in the north wall of this vaulted chamber. The pillars themselves are very strange, a laughing halfling sits atop a jovial dwarf’s shoulders. The halflings’ arms stretch up to support the ceiling.


06: The Elevator Room (06th February 2023)

In the North West corner of this thirty-foot square room stands a statue of an old, emaciated man. Its right arm is outstretched with the hand palm upwards and slightly cupped. In the left hand it holds a length of chain, each of the dozen links contains a gem, all bar the top one is dull, the top one glows a pale orange.

The floor is made of two distinct materials. Near the east and south walls the floor is the same as elsewhere in the dungeon, stone flagstones. The remaining twenty-foot square area is paved wooden planks and sits just slightly below the level of the flagstones.

There are two doors, one in the east wall and one in the south.

This is a magical elevator that moves almost instantly between levels. It has some form of magical sense that enables it to be present whenever one of the doors to the chamber on each of the twelve levels opens. Some rumours suggest that there are, in fact, multiple rooms all identical in all details so that if the doors on different floors are opened at the same time the room will be in both places simultaneously. No one has tested this theory.

A Detect Magic spell will indicate that the whole room as a strong Conjuration aura, concentrated around the statue.

Special Conditions

To activate the elevator the PCs will need to place something in the outstretched palm of the statue.

·       1 cp illuminates the top gem
·       1 sp illuminates the 1st to 2nd
·       1 gp the 1st to 3rd gems
·       1 pp the 1st to 4th gems
·       1 10gp gemstone 1st to 5th gems
·       1 50gp gemstone 1st to 6th gems
·       1 100gp gemstone 1st to 7th gems
·       1 500gp gemstone 1st to 8th gems
·       1 1000gp gemstone 1st to 9th gems
·       1 5000gp gemstone 1st to 10th gems
·       1 rare magic item 1st to 11th gems
·       1 eye per person on the platform 1st to 12th gems

Pressing one of the illuminated gems will take the elevator to that level.

The item is consumed by the statue when the gem is pressed. It is rumoured that the items are transported to a hidden room somewhere in the dungeon.

07: The Collapsed Shaft (07th February 2023)

The west wall at this point of the corridor has collapsed, along with a large area of floor creating a vertical shaft that leads down into darkness. It is deep and no light shines up from below. The walls are rough and should be easy to climb but it is difficult to tell how secure your hand and footholds will be.

The shaft leads down two levels before emerging on level 4. Climbing is easy [DC10] and the walls are secure enough that they won’t collapse as PCs climb down.


08: The Vault (08th February 2023)

Entrance to this chamber is via a well-hidden, locked and trapped door.

This room contains a number of chests, both large and small. Hessian sacks and velvet pouches. Art works hang on the wall and stand on shelves.


u Sacks: 5 Sacks each with 2000cp, 1 Sack with 2000sp.

u Coffer: Small velvet lined coffer with gems: Banded Agate [10gp] Black Pearl [500gp] Blue Quartz [10gp] Emerald [1000gp]

u Shelf: A three-inch high gold statuette depicting a beholder. The statuette is crudely made (or is incredibly old and has become worn and dented through the ages). 50gp


09: The Mess Hall (09th February 2023)

This open chamber has a number of long tables and benches for eating and drinking. A crude cooking area at the west side of the room provides places to prepare food. Hams and sausages hang from the ceiling, barrels of salted meats, dried beans and sacks of vegetables are piled against the south wall.

A quick examination of the food stuffs suggest that it has been a long time since anyone eat or cooked here. The beans are full of weevils, the meat crawls with maggots and the vegetables are covered with white furry mould.


10. The Pit (10th February 2023)

This chamber has at its centre a twenty-foot square pit. The floor is about 30’ below the level of the rest of the room and there is no obvious way down into the pit, or out of it. The pit is littered with corpses and bones. Strange fungal growths grow from the corpses, some reaching six feet in height.

The corpses are in various states of decay, from the edge of the room looking down it is hard to be sure but some look very recent while others are older.

There are doors in the north, east and two in the south wall.

The doors in the south wall are locked.

Hiding amongst the fungal growths is a ghoul. This hairless, gaunt humanoid has pallid skin and long, sharp claw-like nails. Its long tongue lolls from a mouth crammed with horribly elongated, pointed teeth and its red eyes burn with an unholy lust for flesh. Tufts of blond hair cling to the creature’s scalp. This ghoul is ravenous. If it downs an opponent, it immediately begins to drag it away to feast in private. The creature still wears a belt from which hangs a bloodstained pouch. It will attack the first creature to enter the pit, howling loudly causing a roll to be made on the wandering monster table.

m Ghoul (1): Ravenous, it will drag the first victim away to feast rather than attack the others.


u Ghoul Pouch: 5gp


11: The Question Room (11th February 2023)

This room has a rusty metal table and chair both bolted to the floor. A second, wooden chair is set on the opposite side of the table to the metal chair. Leather straps on the legs of the chair and the top of the table are stained black with blood. There are doors in the north and west walls. There is a wrongness about this room, something isn’t quite right but you can’t put your finger on it.

Both doors are locked.

There are two shadows in this chamber, a Perception check at DC16 will spot them before they move to attack.

m Shadows (2): They will both attack the same person, seeking to drain their strength before moving on to the next victim.


12: Torture Chamber (12th February 2023)

This large chamber has several gullies cut into the stone floor leading to an iron grate in the centre. A large black iron pump with a broken handle has a battered leather bucket hanging from it.

A long low wooden table, scored and stained, has hanging above a range of saws, knives and hammers. Leather straps for binding limbs and neck are present and appear well used. A shelf containing a variety of noxious fluids is on the wall near the table.

Manacles are attached to the south wall. In front of which hangs a rough stone the size of a human head carved in the semblance of a grinning skull attached by a hook to a strong iron chain so it can swing back and forth. A pulley system allows the stone to be raised or lowered so that it would strike the prisoner anywhere between shin and head height. On a rack nearby are an assortment of other objects that can be attached to the chain; a metal sphere that can contain hot coals, a wooden ball with rusty iron spikes and a rotting human head.

A metal chest with several padlocks stands open, there are bloodstains inside it.

A variety of whips, some knotted, some smooth, some with iron studs attached are stuffed inside a large leather boot.

You’d rightly guess that this is a torture chamber.

Moving around the room is an emaciated man with thin parchment like skin wearing a stained and tattered white cloak. He is accompanied by two stunted, stumbling creatures, apparently constructed from mismatched limbs and body parts. This is Reydel Orlict, the governor of the jail, now a wight and his assistants Zigabel and Eduard. They are faulty, malfunctioning flesh golems.

m Reydel Orlict (Wight): He is armed with a long, serrated blade and will attack with this first, then with his offhand use the life stealing power.

m Zigabel & Eduard (Flesh Golems): Although they are golems treat them in combat as zombies as Reydel has not fully mastered the art of golem creation

The wight has a bunch of keys at his belt that opens all doors on this level.


13. The Pillared Crossing (13th February 2023)

A slick of dark green algae covers the pillars and ceiling of this crossroads as if the whole room has been filled with water. Strangely the floor has remained clean and is constructed of rusty metal plates attached to the floor with iron staples. In places the algae slime has been wiped off to a height of about six feet. Walking on the floor makes a loud echoing clang.

Walking in this area will generate a chance of a Wandering Monster

Special Conditions

This metal floor is magnetized; characters wearing metal armour move at half speed, attacks with metal weapons are at disadvantage and dropped metal items require a DC 12 Strength check to prize from the floor.

14: Bunk Room (14th February 2023)

This room has a large number of bunk beds, each is in a poor state of repair, the mattresses have rotted and several have collapsed completely. There is a stench of rot and decay about the whole place, like a sack of rotting onions left in the sun.

There are ten zombies in the chamber resting on beds, playing dice or just standing around. They will attack as soon as they see any of the PCs. They are a mix of creatures, mainly hobgoblins but a few humans and orcs are mixed amongst them. Some are missing an eye and all wear tattered orange tunics.

One of the zombies appears larger and stronger than the rest. This rotting, walking corpse stumbles forward, arms outstretched. This zombie has had its jaw ripped off. Blood and gore cover its chest. This zombie is much slower than its companions due to a broken leg. It moves at half speed. One golden hoop earring hangs from one of the zombie’s decomposing ears. The plain band is worth 4gp.

m Zombies (10): They will attack with claws or improvised clubs.


u Zombie Ear: Golden hoop earring 4gp.

15: Meeting Hall (15th February 2023)

Rotting sheets of parchment hang from the walls, a quick glance suggest they are rotas and lists of prisoners and where they are being held and why. The dates are from many, many years ago and the ink has faded badly. Tables and chairs have been broken up to create firewood and improvised weapons. There are doors in the south, east and west walls. A low platform has a wooden lectern on it. It appears that someone has used it for combat practice given the scratches and gouges in the wood. A large chalk “X” is scrawled in the middle of the north wall.

16: The Straight Stair (16th February 2023)

This flight of stairs drops down steeply, with narrow treads. The stairs split at one point, passing either side of an area of very hard rock before re-joining further down.

Bats roost in the high ceiling. They are disturbed by any bright lights or loud noises. The flock’s flight up the stairs has a 75% of extinguishing any unprotected flames.

m Bat Swarm (1): Attack the party if disturbed by bright lights or loud noises.

The stairs end at a wooden door.

17: Guard Room (17th February 2023)

The doors to this room are locked and have barred metal grills at eye height.

This room has a cold camp fire made from broken up furniture in the centre. Beside it are four almost empty potion bottles.

An DC12 Arcane check will identify them as Potions of Resistance, DC15 as Potions of Resistance (Sonic).

There is enough left in the bottles to make one potion if all poured into one bottle.

u Empty Bottles: Potion of Resistance (Sonic)

18: Vaulted Chamber (18th February 2023)

This chamber echoes strangely, your footsteps sound like that of a giant, your voices squeak like a mouse. There is a door in the south wall and two passages lead out to the north and one to the east.

The ceiling is supported by wooden pillars and appears to be constructed, at least in part from the timbers of a boat. The smell of tar is very strong in this area.

Special Conditions

Each PC must make a Perception check ad DC15. Those that fail have the nagging sensation they have forgotten something. This gives them disadvantage on initiative and concentration rolls until the next long rest.

19: The Pen (19th February 2023)

A large cage of strong wooden bars fills the eastern third of this room. Within the cage pace three skeletal hounds. On seeing you enter they open their jaws and howl.

Any PC of elven blood needs to make a Wisdom save at DC15 or be Frightened. This lasts until the next Long or Short Rest. The sound summons forth images of the Great Hunt chasing them through the sky before rending them to pieces.

The door in the north wall is well hidden and will take a DC15 Investigation check or DC17 Passive Perception check to spot it.

20: The Statue (20th February 2023)

This chamber is dominated by a large, finely carved statue. It depicts a naked female elf, posing demurely and tastefully. It is partially covered in cobwebs.

21: The Mouldy Chamber (21st February 2023)

The walls of this chamber are covered with large blotches of black mould. Some of the patches are at least six feet across and very dense. As you look at them, they seem to shift and form images that never last for more than a few moments.

On the floor there is the body of a dead adventurer. The desiccated state of the body suggests that they have been dead for several months.

A DC12 Medicine check will determine that the adventurer has been dead for 6 months, DC16 that they died of Sonic damage.

Beside the body is a Pit Trap hidden by a thin wooden cap.

t Pit Breakaway Lid 10' deep 7 Rusty Spikes (+4 Melee, 1d4 damage each). DC12 to spot, DC 12 Dexterity to avoid.
You find at the bottom of the pit:
Human skeleton (6 months dead) with basic gear, 13 Gnawed Bones, 4 Rat skeletons, rusty and dented helm

22: Chained Books (22nd February 2023)

This square room has bookcases lining the walls in the south east corner and a small table with two chairs in the centre. Some of the books are chained to the shelves but there are others that aren’t chained. There are doors in the east, north and south rooms.

If a PC attempts to take a book from the room portcullises slam down blocking all three exits [Dexterity Save DC15 to make a choice of which way to go, if under 10 is rolled then the portcullis hits the PC for 1d6 points of damage]. It takes a DC18 Strength check to lift up a portcullis and lock it in place.

t Portcullis: DC15 Dexterity to avoid the falling bars. DC25 Strength check to lift them (two people can lift so combine strength rolls)

3 of the chained books animate and attack the PCs with the chains.

m Animated Books (3): The animated books will attack any PCs holding books with their chains.

23. The Unfinished Mural (23rd February 2023)

The west wall of this alcove is a work in progress. Several pots of paint sit at the foot of the wall, they have congealed and solidified through exposure to the air, sealing paint brushes inside. Next to them stands a lantern and some broken glass. The mural depicts a sweeping battle. Corpses scattered on the ground and dragons and a beholder fly through the air in mortal combat.

24: Gallery of the Glass Pillar (24th February 2023)

This square chamber is dominated by a 20’ diameter, shaft of blue-green glass that appears to have thrust itself through the stone flags of the floor. The glass is transparent but distorts anything seen through it. It glows with a pale light illuminating the room faintly. The walls are decorated with paintings in ornate gilded frames. Each depicts a blurry image, as if seen through thick glass, of a spherical creature. There are some spaces on the walls where it appears pictures have been removed.

The glass is impervious to all physical and magical damage short of a wish.

Special Conditions

Roll 2d6 each time the PCs enter the chamber to indicate where the Great Eye is at this time.

25. The Shattered Statue (25th February 2023)

This room is full of shattered stone. A statue of an orc with a sinister face clutching a dagger between its teeth has been broken apart, only the lower parts of the legs remain on the plinth.

An Arcana check at DC15 suggests that the statue has been hit by a powerful sonic attack.

26. Digging in the Dirt (26th February 2023)

At the centre of this room there is a wide pit some fifteen feet deep. There are piles of rubble and dirt scattered around the room making the space difficult to traverse.

Rubble and stone is being flung out of the pit [Dexterity saves DC10 each round to avoid being hit for 1d4 points of damage. In the pit is an Umber Hulk.

m Umber Hulk (1): Is more interested in digging than attacking, but if the PCs engage it or enter the pit it will attack.


27. Ransacked Treasure Room (27th February 2023)

The door to this room has been kicked in. The triangular room is empty apart from a pile of sacks which have been torn open. A handful of silver coins of ancient vintage lie scattered on the floor.

28. The Nest (28th February 2023)

This chamber stinks pungently of ammonia. Large translucent orange sacks hang from the ceiling in grotesque clumps. Tending them are seven giant ants as well as a larger ant with powerful mandibles. Squatting at the back is a huge bloated ant, the queen.

m Worker Ants (7): Will attack if the queen or the eggs are attacks:

m Soldier Ant (1): Will attack when the PCs enter the room.

m Queen Ant (1): Will only defend herself.

On the western passage heading north out of room 18 there is a trap triggered by a pressure pad in the floor.

t Arrow Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +5 to hit against one target, 1d10 piercing damage; heroic tier, setback

Level 03: The Misty Marsh

  The Misty Marsh A strange magic has twisted and changed this region of the dungeon. It now resembles in all ways that of a strange col...