Tuesday 27 December 2022

New Sutaberg - The Town Beyond the Megadungeon

 Every mega-dungeon needs a town. The characters need somewhere to rest up and resupply, to sell the items pulled from the ground and somewhere for rumours to be found. And of course, in extremis, somewhere for new player characters to be found to replace those that have died or been captured by the denizens of the dungeon.

New Sutaberg

Why New Sutaberg? Because the town of Old Sutaberg is now nothing more than a ruin, a ruin below which is the dungeon that draws adventures from far and wide. Most just dip their toe into the rooms near the entrance, a few may venture deeper and return with wealth and tales of creatures unimaginable, These then whet the appetite of new adventurers who then delve into the mega-dungeon. New Sutaberg is half a day's ride from the old town that stands ruined on a low hill. The new town lies on the bend of a river surrounded by fertile farmland.

New Sutaberg Large Town; Integrated (Human);
Population: 3000 (human 1110; halfling 600; elf 540; dwarf 300; gnome 210; half-elf 150; other 90; )
Power Centre: Non-Standard (Lawful Good);
Classes: 1x Adp4; 2x Adp2; 28x Adp1; 1x Ari7; 2x Ari3; 28x Ari1; 1x Brb6; 2x Brb3; 4x Brb1; 1x Brd5; 2x Brd2; 4x Brd1; 1x Clr8; 2x Clr4; 4x Clr2; 8x Clr1; 1x Com14; 2x Com7; 4x Com3; 2803x Com1; 1x Drd6; 2x Drd3; 4x Drd1; 1x Exp9; 2x Exp4; 4x Exp2; 8x Exp1; 1x Ftr4; 2x Ftr2; 4x Ftr1; 1x Mnk6; 2x Mnk3; 4x Mnk1; 1x Pal6; 2x Pal3; 4x Pal1; 1x Rgr5; 2x Rgr2; 4x Rgr1; 1x Rog9; 2x Rog4; 4x Rog2; 8x Rog1; 1x Sor5; 2x Sor2; 4x Sor1; 1x War10; 2x War5; 4x War2; 13x War1; 1x Wiz5; 2x Wiz2; 4x Wiz1;
Services: 2x Baker; Boarding House; Brewer; 2x Butcher; 3x Hostel; 4x Inn; Provisioner; 4x Tavern; Vintner; 4x Blacksmith; 5x Merchant; 4x Cobbler; 3x Cooper; 2x Mason; 2x Miller; 2x Tanner; 3x Weaver; 5x Woodworker; 2x Armorer; 3x Bowyer; Chandler; 3x Dyer; 2x Furrier; 2x Glassblower; Tile-maker; 2x Weapon smith; 2x Assassin; Bounty Hunter; 4x Barber; 2x Burglar; 2x Guide; Engineer; 3x Fence; 3x Healer; Interpreter; 3x Laborer; 3x Leech; 2x Messenger; 3x Minstrel; 2x Navigator; 5x Priest; 2x Sage; 3x Wizard; 5x Boat For Hire; 6x Carter; 2x Cartwright; 4x Porter; 2x Saddler; 3x Stable;  

 More details will be provided as the year progresses.

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